Sunday, January 16, 2011

Welcome to FIGHT CARD!

LAPD Mission Division Special Assaults Unit leader Paul Bishop and I met over the internet.  He likes some of the books I've written, and I enjoy his blog (here).  It was simply fated we'd meet eventually, given our similar interests.

So we did.  We still haven't met face to face, but we have now talked over the phone.

Paul at one point mentioned how much he liked my novella, Smoker.

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 I mentioned that I would like to write more Kindle based properties about 1950s boxings, gangsters, and noir themes, but I knew I'd never be able to sell those in New York publishing.  Thankfully with ebooks, I can pursue whatever interests I have.

Paul immediately warmed to the idea.  He's a big fight fan too, and I hadn't known that.  In fact, he's got his own fight blog called Knuckles and Gloves (here).

As we talked, we decided to try to do a series of boxer novella under the umbrella title FIGHT CARD.  The books are going to center on young men that came out of an orphanage affectionately called Our Lady of the Glass Jaw.  Father Tim, the priest that took care of raising these boys, is an ex-boxer, and ex-cop, and one badass father among the parishioners.  Father Tim manhandles abusive husbands, drunkards, and criminal types that prey on his congregation.

These young men age out of the orphanage with roots in boxing, and those roots show up in these stories as they go out into the world.

Paul and I have each got a novella we're working on now and we'll be getting those out soon.  We think there's an audience out there waiting to hear those stories, and we're excited to bring them to you.